Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day 1:Where do writer's get their ideas?

Where do writer's get their ideas?

-Welcome to class! Use tickets for seating chart! Take pictures of seating!
-Every day we will have 3 minutes to prepare, a quick write, a mini lesson, and workshop time
Quick Write!
-When I am Alone... poem
-Free write
-Show them my own free write

Mini Lesson! Overview
1. Give out notebooks! Make a big deal out of them! Write names inside!
2. Paste in Writing Rule #1: If you'r brain tells you you have nothing to say, tell it to shut up!
Get ideas from your own Unique Life. You are a wierdo...embrace it.
Use details that are unique! Show students how to use the glue/tape and paste successfully.
3. Hand out poem "When I am Alone..."
4. What ideas do you notice...use monkey to call on people
5.Every day we will diving board write! Here is mine...
6.Let students write and share!
Write together Questionaire
1.When I am alone...
Write Your own poem:When I wake up! When I go to bed. When I watch the Patriot's play football etc.
Author's chair! W/ best idea critiques
Writing Survey

Workshop: independent writing! keep pencils moving, whisper if you need to talk, and start something new when you are finished with one piece.
Prewrite with a list or a bubble map or just start writing!
Share...publish if time
Writer's chair

I'm hardly ever alone. I live with 2 roomates, Ms. Paradis and a librarian names Misty. We are together a lot. When I am alone, then, sometimes I have a hard time knowing what to do. I call someone on the phone to have someone to talk to.

But it is important to be alone, I think. Sometimes I go sit in my closet so I can clear my head. Sometimes when I am alone I pretend to be a dragon, pullng my head all the way underneath the covers. I read. I write in my journal. I pray. I talk to the Cat Gorbachev. I clean with bleach. Misty hates it when I do that.

pick out something good:
I pretend I am a dragon
I clean with clorox

Every morning
I wake up at 5:45 and fumble for my cell phone alarm
so Laura doesn't wake up.
I plan my day in the shower.
I shake, shake, shake out my hair
And crawl back in bed to read, but

I toast a bagel and pour my coffee-skim milk, splenda...

I Grab my 4 bags, my bagel, my coffee, my keys,
then out the door,
and, oh, my lunch.

of stairs,
while spil-
ling coffee and chewing my bagel, and nearly drop-
Defrost and off to school wondering if the copy machine will work today.

-Inga Puffer

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