Monday, January 28, 2008

ideas from pictures!

Draw yourself in the middle of the page

stick figure
Sketch as I talk about :

Fav. places
Places you like to explore!

Conflicts, problems, things you wonder, don't know, puzzles you have to figure out

People who matter, pets (past and present), family, friends, enemies

sad things

happy things

dreams, goals, what you want

WRiting TIME!
concrete poetry:

Sunday, January 27, 2008


Day 3 we read Jaberwoky, and made words lists in our writers notebooks.

WORD LIST: Make them
Cut them out
put them in an envelope
Trade and make poems!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Day 3:How do writer's get ideas from words?

Opening: shel silverstain poem of nonsense maybe

Words that I like! wird words from a class

Hunt for words: work in groups to scavenge for words!

Contest for the neatest words!

Writing time!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

How do writer's use relationships?

Free write: minilesson
Dear Dad,
I miss eating frozen yogurt and
driving to the peach farm.
I miss throwing the pit out the window.


Dear mom,
I know you nag me because you love me,
so I even miss


Read the rest of the book
Write our poems, review what workshop should sound like/look like

Today we will set up our BLOGS!
We need a name that represents you!

Day 2: How do writer's use their surroundings to get ideas?

Review rules
Free write: Messy Room Poem! Silverstein

Messy Room by Shel Silverstein
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
His underwear is hanging on the lamp.
His raincoat is there in the overstuffed chair,
And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.
His workbook is wedged in the window,
His sweater's been thrown on the floor.
His scarf and one ski are beneath the TV,
And his pants have been carelessly hung on the door.
His books are all jammed in the closet,
His vest has been left in the hall.
A lizard named Ed is asleep in his bed,
And his smelly old sock has been stuck to the wall.
Whosever room this is should be ashamed!
Donald or Robert or Willie or--
Huh? You say it's mine? Oh, dear,
I knew it looked familiar!

My room is tiny, filled with painted furniture I get from thrift stores and re-do. I think one day it willl make me millions. I'm still coming up with a name for my business. I want to constantly sell my home furnishings. If someone buys my bed, I'll sleep on the floor till I paint a new one.

I have paintings of Klimpt. I love him. And sketches I drew in Europe. I have pictures, mostly of the past. College and high school and my family. People I miss. Chipper, my stuffed dog sits on m bed. My old toybox holds my blankets, and my top drawer is filled with t-shirts I don't wear but can't bare to get rid of.

Write and share!
Mini Lesson:
The things we carry: Tim OBrian read aloud
Writer's use lists for ideas and to show things! DETAIL!!!!
Stuff game-list addition-name game!
Brainstorming list: What do you carry? What is in your bookbag? Your pocketbook?
Play the game and write a class poem!
*In the future I would use HOmeroom poems with this

I will bring mystuff and ask people what they can tell about the person. ( me ) We will respond an a piece of construction paper.

Workshop Time:
Make a list of things that represent you. Things in your room!

Things in your room
Things in a drawer
Things your mother always tells you
Things you dream about
Things that make you mad
Your favorite dinner
Sounds you like


my coker hoodie. too small. too dirty
my pink heart, holey socks
a long run with a bouncing pony tail
a milk dud
Virginia Woolf
4 layers
dried cranberries
2 purple jellybeans in a row
Gorbochuv on my feet
my mama, even on the phone

-Inga Puffer

Day 1:Where do writer's get their ideas?

Where do writer's get their ideas?

-Welcome to class! Use tickets for seating chart! Take pictures of seating!
-Every day we will have 3 minutes to prepare, a quick write, a mini lesson, and workshop time
Quick Write!
-When I am Alone... poem
-Free write
-Show them my own free write

Mini Lesson! Overview
1. Give out notebooks! Make a big deal out of them! Write names inside!
2. Paste in Writing Rule #1: If you'r brain tells you you have nothing to say, tell it to shut up!
Get ideas from your own Unique Life. You are a wierdo...embrace it.
Use details that are unique! Show students how to use the glue/tape and paste successfully.
3. Hand out poem "When I am Alone..."
4. What ideas do you notice...use monkey to call on people
5.Every day we will diving board write! Here is mine...
6.Let students write and share!
Write together Questionaire
1.When I am alone...
Write Your own poem:When I wake up! When I go to bed. When I watch the Patriot's play football etc.
Author's chair! W/ best idea critiques
Writing Survey

Workshop: independent writing! keep pencils moving, whisper if you need to talk, and start something new when you are finished with one piece.
Prewrite with a list or a bubble map or just start writing!
Share...publish if time
Writer's chair

I'm hardly ever alone. I live with 2 roomates, Ms. Paradis and a librarian names Misty. We are together a lot. When I am alone, then, sometimes I have a hard time knowing what to do. I call someone on the phone to have someone to talk to.

But it is important to be alone, I think. Sometimes I go sit in my closet so I can clear my head. Sometimes when I am alone I pretend to be a dragon, pullng my head all the way underneath the covers. I read. I write in my journal. I pray. I talk to the Cat Gorbachev. I clean with bleach. Misty hates it when I do that.

pick out something good:
I pretend I am a dragon
I clean with clorox

Every morning
I wake up at 5:45 and fumble for my cell phone alarm
so Laura doesn't wake up.
I plan my day in the shower.
I shake, shake, shake out my hair
And crawl back in bed to read, but

I toast a bagel and pour my coffee-skim milk, splenda...

I Grab my 4 bags, my bagel, my coffee, my keys,
then out the door,
and, oh, my lunch.

of stairs,
while spil-
ling coffee and chewing my bagel, and nearly drop-
Defrost and off to school wondering if the copy machine will work today.

-Inga Puffer

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Sharon Creech Walk Two Moons Excerpt

"We have to go back. I forgot something."The lady with the wild red hair opened the door and came out onto the porch."In the back of my closet," I said, under the floorboards. I put something there, and I've got to have it.""Don't be a goose. Come and see Margaret."I did not want to see Margaret. I stood there, looking around, and that's when I saw the face pressed up against an upstairs window next door. It was a round girl's face, and it looked afraid. I didn't know it then, but that face belonged to Phoebe Winterbottom, a girl who had a powerful imagination, who would become my friend, and who would have many peculiar things happen to her.Not long ago, when I was locked in a car with my grandparents for six days, I told them the story of Phoebe, and when I finished telling them--or maybe even as I was telling them--I realized that the story of Phoebe was like the plaster wall in our old house in Bybanks, Kentucky.

- From Walk Two Moons by Sharon Creech